Problem Solving Articles

Complete DIY Projects Like an Engineer

  As many of you homeowners out there know, DIY projects can easily get out of hand, costing you way more money or taking you much longer to complete than you originally envisioned. When I started doing some DIY projects recently after buying a new house, it...

How to Deal with Angry Customers

  Engineers tend to think that since they chose a technical career that they don’t need to deal with customers much, but this typically isn’t the case. Most jobs deal with people on some level and really everyone can be viewed as a customer if you think about it....

Habits that Naturally Manage Stress

For many, stress is an all too frequent occurrence that can be a paralyzing drain on energy. In addition, we all know that if not managed properly, stress can have many terrible long term effects on our health and livelihood. Many times stressful situations are...

Turn a Stressful Work Project into a Time to Thrive

Have you ever been assigned an exciting project at work that seemed to be well above your skill level leaving you feeling overwhelmed, busy, and stressed? I was recently put in charge of an important proposal for the first time without much guidance or help, causing...

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