Engineer Your Life Articles

Find More Free Time for Hobbies & Side Projects

  If you’re like me, you have so many passions and side projects you’d love to do, but the problem is just no free time to do anything. With a busy job, family to take care of, or whatever you have going on, it can be super easy to just give up on those outlying...

Complete DIY Projects Like an Engineer

  As many of you homeowners out there know, DIY projects can easily get out of hand, costing you way more money or taking you much longer to complete than you originally envisioned. When I started doing some DIY projects recently after buying a new house, it...

Turn a Stressful Work Project into a Time to Thrive

Have you ever been assigned an exciting project at work that seemed to be well above your skill level leaving you feeling overwhelmed, busy, and stressed? I was recently put in charge of an important proposal for the first time without much guidance or help, causing...

Engineer Your Finances: How to Save More Money

Whether you’re just starting out and need to pay off your student debt or you’re established and looking to overhaul your finances, it’s always wise to work on optimizing your financial situation and “engineer” your finances. Here are some quick, practical tips and...

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