Communication Articles

How to Develop an Engineer Mindset

What does it mean to think like an engineer? These six concepts explain the basis of engineering and will help anyone learn how to develop an engineer mindset.

What to do When You Make a Mistake at Work

  As engineers, we are people who solve problems and design things for a function or purpose. We’re relied upon to make sound decisions for the good of the customer and our company. With these duties, it’s inevitable that somewhere along the way you’ll make a bad...

How to Deal with Angry Customers

  Engineers tend to think that since they chose a technical career that they don’t need to deal with customers much, but this typically isn’t the case. Most jobs deal with people on some level and really everyone can be viewed as a customer if you think about it....

How to Run a Meeting Like a Pro

  Have you ever sat in a meeting that dragged on and time stood still? Maybe you’ve experienced colleagues and executives that seem to be addicted to meetings as the only path forward to solving problems? Almost like moths mesmerized by bright lights, some people...