Oct 15, 2022 | Efficiency, Life Hacks, Problem Solving |
For many, stress is an all too frequent occurrence that can be a paralyzing drain on energy. In addition, we all know that if not managed properly, stress can have many terrible long term effects on our health and livelihood. Many times stressful situations are...
Sep 16, 2022 | Engineer Mindset, Engineer Your Life, Leadership, Life Hacks, Personal Development, Problem Solving |
Have you ever been assigned an exciting project at work that seemed to be well above your skill level leaving you feeling overwhelmed, busy, and stressed? I was recently put in charge of an important proposal for the first time without much guidance or help, causing...
Aug 1, 2022 | Efficiency, Engineer Mindset, Engineer Your Life, Life Hacks, Organization, Problem Solving |
Whether you’re just starting out and need to pay off your student debt or you’re established and looking to overhaul your finances, it’s always wise to work on optimizing your financial situation and “engineer” your finances. Here are some quick, practical tips and...
Jul 25, 2022 | Efficiency, Engineer Mindset, Engineer Your Life, Life Hacks, Organization, Problem Solving |
Perhaps one of the biggest obstacles to financial health is having debt that suffocates your income each month, which can become a perpetual burden if not handled correctly. Approach your debt problem like an engineer, dissecting each portion and coming up with a...
Jul 3, 2022 | Efficiency, Leadership, Personal Development |
Stress is unavoidable and we’ve all felt the strain from time to time, occasionally or unfortunately, even constantly. We’ve always been told that stress is a bad thing, and severely detrimental to our health. I like to think that stress is actually a sign that we are...